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Q: The flow of surface waters back into the ocean is generally referred?
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The flow of surface waters back into the ocean is generally referred to as?

That can be referred to as drainage.

What causes Waters to move up to the ocean surface?

ocean fronts

The height of the surface of an ocean?

The height of the surface of the ocean is referred to as sea level.

Where would ocean waters be least dense?

At the surface of the ocean in the warmest area of the ocean.

Which ocean process brings vital nutrients from the bottom to the surface waters?

Upwelling is the ocean process that brings vital nutrients from the bottom to the surface waters. It occurs when cold, nutrient-rich waters from the deep ocean rise to the surface, fueling the growth of phytoplankton and supporting a vibrant marine ecosystem.

What create ocean currents?

Sunlight warms the waters on the ocean surface. Some heat energy is transferred to cooler waters through convection.

How do you make a ocean current?

Surface waters make up about 10% of all the water in the ocean.

What ocean do comb jelly live?

Ctenophores are found in most marine environments: from polar waters to the tropics; near coasts and in mid-ocean; from the surface waters to the ocean depths.

Are wind-driven currents found near the surface of the ocean or in the deep waters of oceans?


What is the immediate energy source for most waves on the ocean surface What type of energy is transferred from this source to the surface waters?

The immediate energy source for most waves on the ocean surface is wind. Wind transfers its kinetic energy to the ocean surface waters, causing them to generate waves through frictional interaction.

Is it true that the mid-ocean ridges are always near the waters surface?


A vertical section of the ocean from the surface to the ocean floor is referred to as the?

water column