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Q: The first crusade had the intended goal of capturing which city?
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What city did the first crusade reach?

Constantinople was the first destination, but the first real engagement in the first Crusade was Antioch.

What is the goal of the second crusade?

The goal of the Second Crusade was to recapture the city of Edessa in the Holy Land, which had been lost to Muslim forces. It was also intended to reinforce the Kingdom of Jerusalem and secure other Christian territories in the region.

What person inspired the first crusade?

Jesus Christ because the whole reason of a crusade was to relieve your life of sins and have new god things in your life and capturing Jerusalem was the most important thing because that is where Christ lived and if you controlled thatholy city you could be free of your sins and have the power of god beside you in harsh battles.

Where did Pope Urban II call for the first crusade?

Pope Urban II called for the first crusade at the Council of Clermont.

What city did the Venerian leaders of the Fourth Crusade destroy?

First the Christian city of Zama and then the Byzantine city of Constantinople.

Which city did the European Christians capture during the First Crusade?

jeruslam ) jeruslam )

Which city manipulated the Fourth Crusade?

Binzantine manipulated the Fourth Crusade.

Why was the first crusade important?

To some people it does not matter. But for Catholic people, this was a major event. The first crusade conquered Jerusalem. Jerusalem is said to be where Jesus died and then resuscitated. The four nobles that led the crusade then killed all people in the city and the survivors were sold into slavery.

What city was the capital of the seljuk Turks during the first crusade?

Im pretty sure the capitol was Nicaea

Who was the pope who initiated the crusades?

Pope Urban II called for the First Crusade.

Who became the first king of Jerusalem after the christians took the city after the first crusade?

Baldwin of Boulougne became Baldwin I, the first King of Jerusalem in 1100.

What was the city Christians won during the Fisrt Crusade but later lost to Saladin?

JERUSALEM qualifies as a city Christians won during the Fisrt Crusade but later lost to Saladin (in the Second Crusade).