The external opening of the urethra is called the meatus or urethral meatus.
The auditory canal is about 1 inch long in adults. It starts at the opening of the ear (external ear canal) and extends to the eardrum.
The external opening through which urine and seminal fluid (in males only) leave the body.
The tragus is a small pointed eminence of the external ear, located in front of the ear canal opening and partially covering it. It serves to protect the ear canal.
The canal that leads to the primary internal female reproductive organs is the
Opening of the Kiel Canal was created in 1895.
The opening leading toward the ear drum on the temporal bone is called the external acoustic meatus, also known as the ear canal. It is the pathway that directs sound waves into the ear canal towards the eardrum.
The duration of Opening of the Kiel Canal is 18.0 seconds.
The opening of the cervix is closest to the vagina -- the one you can feel with your finger -- is called the external os (orifice). This os leads into the cavity of the cervix and then into the cavity of the body of the uterus. At the point where the endocervical canal meets the uterus is another opening, called the internal os. .
The ear canal.