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The Great Barrier Reef.

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Q: The barrier reef that lies along the coast of Australia is named the?
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Who is the coral sea named after?

The Coral Sea isn't named after a person, it is named after the Great Barrier Reef, a large coral reef near Australia.

Where did Ivory Coast get its name from?

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Is an island in Australia named something to do with the word hop?

Well, there is Kangaroo Island off the coast of South Australia...

How did the barrier islands get their name?

Barrier islands are named after their function of providing a barrier between the mainland and the open ocean. These narrow strips of land help protect the coast from erosion, storms, and wave action. The term "barrier island" was first coined in the 17th century to describe these unique landforms.

Australian town named after a number?

Town of 1770 is named after the year James Cook charted the east coast of Australia.

What land did the dutch claim in Australia?

The Dutch claimed parts of Australia's western coast, naming it New Holland. However, they did not establish any permanent settlements and their claim to the land was not maintained.

Where is the second largest barrier reef in the world?

The worlds second longest barrier reef is the un-named barrier reef approximately half a mile away from the coast of Belize.

How did Captain Cook use Australia?

Captain Cook did not use Australia for anything other than as a place to effect repairs upon the 'Endeavour', and to make notes and observations of the landscape along the eastern coast. Cook then recommended Australia (or New South Wales, as he named it) be used as a penal colony.

An island off the coast o Australia named after an animal?

The animals name is Tasmanian Devil.

Where is Hamilton Island located?

Hamilton Island is located near the coast of Queensland, Australia. It is found in a group of islands named the Whitsunday Islands, and is a popular destination for its snorkeling in the Great Barrier Reef.

Who named Point Danger on the coast of Australia?

Point Danger was named by James Cook. He selected that name as a warning to later sailors to watch for dangerous coral reefs off the coast in that area.