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A treaty with the Spanish- The Treaty of San Lorenzo (Pinckney's Treaty)

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Through the Pinckney Treaty and later on they bought all of Louisiana from France.

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Q: The US gained unrestricted access to the Mississippi river and new Orleans by?
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Why was the capture of New Orleans and important victory for the North?

After the Union gained New Orleans, they could control the South of the Mississippi River

What did Britain gained after wining the french and Indian war?

Britain gained Canada and east of Mississippi river except the City of New Orleans and two small islands.

Why was thomas Jefferson worried when France gained contol of the new Orleans port?

Most of the produce of the interior states and territories floated on flatboats down the Mississippi to New Orleans for sale.

When did Capture of New Orleans happen?

The Union gained control of the Mississippi river in the spring of 1862. The victory at Shiloh gave the North the advantage in the fight for control of the Mississippi River and the river valley.

What area did president Jefferson think was vital to the entire continent of north America and which country controlled it in 1800?

I think you are asking about the Mississippi River and particularly the Gulf port of New Orleans. The US had free access to most of the River, but the Spanish and later the French controlled New Orleans and the port. The French gained control of New Orleans from Spain via a secret treaty on October 1, 1800.

The union gained control of the Mississippi after capturing what?

The union gained control of the Mississippi after the capture of Vicksburg.

One direct result of the battle of new Orleans was that?

One direct result of the Battle o New Orleans was that the Union navy gained control over the entrance to the Mississippi River. The battle took place on January 8, 1815.

Why was it important that America gained control of the entire Mississippi River with the Louisiana purchase?

Think of the Mississippi as a highway and it can be used to ship goods and people. As well as have access to the Gulf of Mexico. This is vital for trade.

What was gained at the Battle of Vicksburg?

The Union gained complete control of the Mississippi River.

What sea port did the US gain through the Louisiana Purchase?

The United States gained the New Orleans seaport

Who gained control of the city of new Orleans in 1800?


What did Britain gain as a result of the war-?

Britain gained all of the French territories that were east of the Mississippi as a result of the war. They also gained portions of Canada.