The Danube, Oder, and Rhine rivers flow through Germany. There are more but these are the most important.
The Danube is 1794 miles long, the Rhine is 820 miles long
Some of the major rivers in Germany are:RhineMainIsarOderElbeDonauWeserEmsSaaleHavelNeißeWerraFuldaThe Rhine...
Rhine, Elbe & Weser. (The Rhine and the Elbe are not totally in Germany).
the Rhine and Danube Hope it helps(:
The Danube, the Rhine, the Volga, the Thames, and the Po River are some major European rivers.
One of Europe's most important waterways is the way they get water-from a very large spring or river or mountain stream.It is the Rhine River.
There would be more barge traffic on the cities on the Danube system because the barge traffic from the cities on the Rhine would be added to the barge traffic of the Danube.
The Rhine, Main, Moselle, Elbe, and Danube.