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Lake Ontario. The falls are on the Niagara River and the river flows from Lake Erie in the south to Lake Ontario in the north.

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Neither. It is a waterfall on the Niagara River. Niagara falls can also refer to two cities, one on each side of the waterfall itself and in different countries.

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Lake Erie

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Q: What lake does Niagara Falls flow into?
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After water from Lake Erie flows over Niagara Falls into which Great lake does it flow?

The Niagara River flows from Lake Erie into Lake Ontario.

What does Niagara Falls flow between?

Niagara Falls flows between Niagara Falls and Niagara Falls. The water at Niagara Falls drops -- from the crest of the falls to the bottom of the falls. The Niagara River flows from Lake Erie to the crest of the falls, over the falls, and thence to Lake Ontario. The Niagara River forms part of the international boundary between Canada and the US. There are two cities at Niagara Falls, and both are named Niagara Falls. The one in Canada is Niagara Falls, Ontario, and the one in the US is Niagara Falls, New York.

Into what lake does Niagara Falls empty?

Into what lake Niagara falls emptys into is Lake Ontario.

What direction does water flow over Niagara Falls?

Niagara Falls is actually on the Niagara River. The water leaves Lake Erie at the the city of Buffalo, New York and approximately 30 miles downstream falls over Niagara Falls. The Niagara River empties into Lake Ontario, eventually into the St. Lawrence River and finally into the Atlantic Ocean.

Why does the Niagara River flow north?

The Niagara River Flows North because land elevation to the south is higher, causing the flow to go north. Land elevation drops about 325 feet from the mouth of the Niagara River at Lake Erie to the bottom of Niagara Falls and continues to drop to Lake Ontario.

Which lakes feed niagara falls?

Lake Erie feeds Niagara Falls. The water going over the Falls flows in Lake Ontario (which is, of course, downstream from the Falls).

How was niagara falls formed?

Niagara Falls is on of nature's greatest wonders. These gigantic waterfalls were formed 10,000 years ago when the last glaciers were retreating north. As the glaciers moved, they exposed cliffs at Niagara and allowed water to flow from Lake Erie into Lake Ontario. As the cliffs eroded, the water flowed back into Lake Erie, creating the falls.

What feeds Niagara Falls?

Niagara falls is fed primarily by runoff from Lake Erie

What two lakes does Niagara falls drain into?

Niagara Falls does not drain into two lakes, It drains one lake, Lake Erie into another lake, Lake Ontario.

What famous falls is between Lake Ontario and Lake Erie?

The Niagara Falls

Is Niagara Falls a waterway?

Yes, Niagara Falls are known as cataracts.

What waterfall connects Lake Erie and Lake Ontario?

The Niagara river (where the Niagara Falls are located) connects lake Ontario with lake Erie