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Q: The Brazos River is a major river in Texas. In many parts of the Cross Timbers and Prairies ecoregion the river has formed tall steep cliffs in the rock along its banks through the process(es) of?
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How long did it take for the thick fertile soil of the North American prairies to develop?

The thick fertile soil of the North American prairies, known as mollisols, developed over thousands of years through a combination of factors such as climate, vegetation, and geological processes. It is estimated that it took several thousand years for the deep layers of topsoil to form in these prairies.

How does weathering occur in oak woods and prairies?

Weathering occurs in oak woods and prairies through a combination of physical and chemical processes. Physical weathering can be caused by temperature changes, frost action, and plant root growth that break down rocks into smaller pieces. Chemical weathering happens when rainwater and organic acids dissolve minerals in rocks and soil. Over time, these processes contribute to the breakdown of rocks and the formation of soil in oak woods and prairies.

What is Canada's oil from?

Canada gains oil largely through the prairies, meaning the provinces of Saskatchewan, Alberta, and Manitoba.

Settlers cut down the tall grass prairies in the Midwest?

The settlers had difficulty at first when attempting to cut down the tall grass in the prairies in the Midwest. The invention of the steel-bladed plow in 1837 made it possible to cut through the prairie grass.

What processes must a sedimentary rock go through to become a metamorphic rock?

what processes must sedimentary rock go through to become a metamorphic rock

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What are behaviourism in the school of thought?

Behaviourism is a school of thought in psychology that focuses on observable behaviors rather than mental processes. It asserts that behavior is learned through interactions with the environment, often through conditioning processes like reinforcement and punishment. Behaviourists believe that behavior can be controlled and modified through these processes.

What processes did Alexander Graham Bell go through to invent the telephone?

well he went through many processes when inventing the processes, first of all he was a teacher and his mother was deaf also people wanted to claim his invention. He started by making sound waves.

What two rivers flow through the Sonoran Desert?

There are locations in the Sonoran Desert that have permanent streams and rivers.

The rock cycle is defined as what?

Fred Flintstone has nothing to do with this. It is the progress of rock, from Magma, through sedimentary, metamorphism, and so on through the processes of weathering and grinding eventually to degenerate through chemical action to sand and silt. Then through subduction processes to become magma again.

What is oracle?

Oracle is made up of a set of processes running in your operating system. These processes manage how data is stored and how it is accessed. It is a database system through which we can manipulate the date through different process.

How are islands made?

They are areas of land that are higher than the water level. They can be "made" through various processes such as undersea volcanoes (such as Hawaii), erosion of a headland or through biological processes such as coral atolls.