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Q: That which joins together?
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What are the homophones for the yellow part of an egg and that which joins together?

yolk is the yellow part of the egg (spherical part) and yoke is what joins together

What is the homophone for the yellow part of a egg that which joins together?

The homophone for the yellow part of an egg that joins together is "yolk."

Where do bones joins together?

at the joints.

What joins words together?

Conjoin means join together.

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That which joins or links two things together?

That which joins or links two things together?

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it joins the nation together

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Is amino acids a monomer or polymer?

an amino acid is a monomer.. it joins together to form a dipeptide.. which joins together to form a polypeptide polypeptide - otherwise known as a polymer

Is amino acid is a polymer or monomer?

an amino acid is a monomer.. it joins together to form a dipeptide.. which joins together to form a polypeptide polypeptide - otherwise known as a polymer

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Hand cuffs join a prisoners hands together.

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It joins two subjects together.