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No. That would just be a waste of time and money. In many cases, you wouldn't even get a root canal on a permanent tooth. You would most likely have it pulled depending on what tooth it is. Just have the baby-tooth pulled since it is going to be pulled someday, regardless.

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Q: Should you get a root canal on a baby tooth?
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Is it secure to root canal the tooth of a 4 years baby?

If you want your baby to have healthy and perfectly aligned permanent teeth, then yes, get that root canal treatment done. The reason behind this is that, if your dentist has suggested a root canal treatment then the condition of the tooth is already bad. the first tooth to naturally fall off in kids is at the age of 6. So, to preserve the space of the successors to come this milk tooth should be there. Also, if the milk tooth has infection it can harm the permanent tooth underneath it.

Dog chipped tooth should you do a root canal or extract it?

If the nerve is exposed, root canal therapy would probably save the tooth. You should see a veterinarian for a professional opinion.

Should a 2 -year-old have a root canal done on a baby tooth?

No 2 year olds that need a root canal have been neglected and abused. You should contact child protective services. Joeseph berkely m.d.

Does a root canal increase the chances of losing a tooth?

No . . . the root canal procedure is intended to save the tooth.

4 year old has decay in upper front tooth should tooth be removed or root canal?

If the tooth can be saved with a root canal (pulpotomy) or other treatment, it should be done. The adult tooth that will replace this baby tooth may not erupt until the child is six or seven years old, and the dental arch may shrink if the baby tooth is lost too soon. This will lead to problems when the adult tooth erupts and the child may require extensive and expensive orthodontic treatment to correct the problems.

Can you get dry socket from a root canal?

No. By definition, a 'dry socket' is a painful condition that occurs following a tooth extraction, not a root canal. That is not to say that you cannot have pain following a root canal. You can, particularly if the tooth was acutely infected at the time of the root canal, or if the root canal is incomplete. You should consult with the dentist who performed the procedure and follow his/her recommendations.

How much is a baby root canal?

Baby's tooth are important to save and you should get the root canal done. the reason behind this is that milk teeth keep the space for their successor permanent teeth. Without the milk teeth in place, other teeth occupy that space and the permanent tooth might stay stuck inside the jaw as it doesn't have the required space to come out. You can visit Paragon Dental if you are in Modesto, California for the baby's dental checkup.

Does a root canal prevent the baby tooth from falling out?

That is its purpose. With the elimination of damaged or infected root tissue, the baby tooth can continue to function in chewing, and hold the position for the permanent tooth that follows it. However, the baby tooth will still eventually be pushed out, or may be extracted at any time.

What is d3330 root canal therapy?

that is a root canal of a molar tooth. Meaning the dentist is removing the nerve and pulp of the tooth.

When should a crown be put in after a root canal?

In general, you should have this done as soon as possible, especially if it's a posterior (back) tooth like a molar or premolar. A tooth that has had root canal treatment becomes more subject to fracturing.

What dentist should Hakim go to for an abscessed tooth that needs a root canal?

An endodontist