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The opposite of prevent is cause.
Aid, allow, assist, help, let go, cause...

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Q: Opposite of prevent
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What is the opposite word of allow?

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What is opposite of allow?

disallow forbid prevent

What is the opposite to the word prevent?

Aid, allow, let go.

What is the opposite of the word prevent?


What is the opposite allow?

The opposite of allow is disallow. The prefix dis- forms opposites of verbs. Other antonyms could be forbid, disapprove, prevent, or proscribe.

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move the wammy bar out the way i push it to the opposite dirrection

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The opposite of an insulator is a conductor. Conductors allow electricity to flow easily through them, while insulators prevent the flow of electricity.

What is the opposite of enabled?

Inhibitto prevent someone from doing something, or to slow down a process or the growth of something

What is the opposite of allowed?

The opposite of allowed (permitted) would be prohibited, forbidden, banned, or proscribed. The opposite of allowed (used or approved) would be disallowed.

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The opposite word to absorbent is repellent. Absorbent materials soak up liquids, while repellent materials resist liquids and prevent absorption.

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Afforestation is the opposite of deforestation. It can create habitats for wildlife and it stabilises the ground to prevent surface run prevents soil erosion and the fields do not get barren and infertile.

What do peacocks feet look like?

Those things on the opposite end of the legs to the body that prevent them having to walk on stumps.