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water (salt water actually!! ) =))

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Q: Oceans are a major source of what?
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What is the major source of calcium and sodium in oceans?

Minerals dissolved in aquifers

What is major source of water on earth?

The major source of water on Earth is the oceans, which hold about 97% of the planet's water. Other sources include rivers, lakes, glaciers, and groundwater.

What are advantages of the ocean?

Oceans are advantageous because they are a habitat to many different species of animals. They also offer a source of food to humans.

What is the source of most water that evaporates from earth surface?

The main source is formed by sea and oceans.

What is the major source of energy that allows water to continuously move through the environment replacing water in lakes and oceans?

The source of energy driving this is the heat energy coming from the Sun.

Which 4 major oceans does the equator pass?

The Equator crosses only three major oceans: The Pacific, the Atlantic, and the Indian Oceans.

What is the major source of energy that powers the convection currents in the atmospheres and oceans?

Vertical convection in both the ocean and atmosphere is caused by uneven HEATing.The source of energy for convection in the ocean and atmosphere is heating from the sun.

Where are the four major oceans located?

The four major oceans are located in all the seven continents with Asia having the largest share. The four oceans are Indian, Atlantic, Pacific and Arctic oceans.

What are the three major oceans of the world?

The three major oceans are the Pacific, the Atlantic, and the Indian.

What source release water vapor by evaporation?

oceans, plants, soil, animals, and streams and rivers

Where is the excellent source of water in the world?

The Oceans.

What is the largest source of the moisture in the atmosphere?

the oceans