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Q: Ocean currents that move toward the poles are?
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What way does the ocean water move globally?

Along warm water currents from the equator to the poles.

Where do warm currents move from?

Warm currents move from the equator to the poles, and the cold currents move from the poles to the equator. :D

Do ocean currents move warm air from the equator toward the poles?

Yes, ocean currents can help redistribute heat from the equator towards the poles by moving warm water from the tropics towards higher latitudes. This heat transfer can influence local and global climates by influencing air temperature and humidity in different regions.

What causes ocean currents to move in different directions in different hemispheres?

North and South poles

How currents move in the different hemispheres?

North and south poles cause the clockwise rotation that then makes currents which come toward the land and the "repel" away

In what way does ocean water move globally?

Along cold water currents from the poles to the equator.

How do ocean currents affect air temperature in coastal areas?

Warm Ocean currents warms the air above it and some move from the tropic towards both poles ---------------------------------------------------------AND----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cold Ocean currents also affect weather patterns by bringing cold water from polar to the equator

What coasts of continents tend to be warmer the eastern or the western and why?

The western coasts of continents tend to be warmer than the eastern coasts because of ocean currents. In the Northern Hemisphere, warm ocean currents move from the equator towards the poles along western coastlines, raising temperatures. Meanwhile, cold ocean currents flow from the poles towards the equator along eastern coastlines, bringing cooler temperatures.

What does warm water do to the climate?

Ocean currents move warm water from the equator to the poles and cold water from the poles back to the equator. The heat carried north helps warm the northern countries in the winter time.

What will an object floating in the ocean do?

An object floating in the ocean will be carried by the currents and waves, drifting with the water. Its movement and eventual destination will be determined by the ocean's circulation patterns and wind conditions.

When ocean water reaches the poles what happens?

When ocean water reaches the poles, it cools down and becomes denser, causing it to sink to deeper parts of the ocean. This cold, dense water then starts to circulate and move towards lower latitudes, influencing global ocean currents and climate patterns. Additionally, the melting of ice at the poles adds freshwater to the ocean, impacting salinity levels and ocean circulation dynamics.

What are streams of water in the ocean that move in a pattern?

Ocean currents.