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The Arctic Ocean

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Q: Most major rivers in siberia flow into what ocean?
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Are most of Russia's longest rivers located in siberia?


Where is the Siberian plateau?

It occupies most of Siberia between the Yenisei and Lena rivers in Russia.

What are some major water forms in Newfoundland Canada?

A lot of ocean views, But for the most part, ponds & lakes & rivers.

Is Russia and Siberia one and the same?

Siberia is a region of Russia which covers most of the area to the east of the Ural Mountains to the Pacific Ocean.

Where is most of china's population concentrated?

they live in the east because of the water countiong the ocean

What ocean do most South American rivers flow?

the Atlantic ocean

What ocean does most of South America's rivers flow into?

The Atlantic Ocean ! :DD

Are there types of rivers?

There are several types of rivers Most rivers are freshwater, or non salty, that sustain wildlife that cannot breathe salt. These are the most common rivers. But there are also salt rivers, such as the Salt River in Arizona. Most salt rivers in the United States are on the western side of the country. These rivers can sustain several species of ocean life and always receed into a salt body of water. Major Rivers can also break off into smaller rivers. Such rivers are called tributaries.

What mountain range covers most of siberias border?

The mountain range that covers most of Siberia's border is the Urals. The Urals stretch from the Arctic Ocean in the north to the border of Kazakhstan in the south, dividing Western Russia from Siberia.

Where are floods most popular?

at dams or japan tsunamies which are ocean,rivers, lakes,and ocean

How many rivers empty out to sea or ocean?

Most of them eventually

What are the most famous tourist attraction to visit in Russia?

Some come to Siberia to see the wildflowers or to fish in the rivers.