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Q: List the evidence that supports the conclusion that the Mediterranean sea once dried up?
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If blood evidence is dried before it's collected is it admissible in court?

Most blood samples collected at crime scenes IS dried. It is easily reconstituted without degrading the cellular evidence it contains.

Who collects the physical evidence at a crime scene such as dried blood and fibers?

Forensic technicians and crime scene investigators are responsible for collecting physical evidence, such as dried blood and fibers, at a crime scene. They follow strict protocols to properly document, collect, and preserve evidence for analysis in the laboratory.

What evidence supports the idea that water flowed on the surface of Mars?

Features such as dried-up river channels, ancient lake beds, and mineral deposits that can only form in the presence of water suggest that water flowed on the surface of Mars in the past. Satellite images and data from rovers like Curiosity also provide evidence of a watery history on Mars.

What features of mars considered to be evidence as life?

Dried up area where a bed of water once was.

What is the evidence that dinosaurs are real?

Dinosaur bones have been found in the ground. and under dried lakes and rivers.

Where do most dried fruits come from?

Most dried fruits come from regions with warm climates, such as the Mediterranean, Middle East, and California. Common sources include countries like Turkey, the United States, Iran, and Greece.

Does the Cardona Salt Mountain still exist?

Yes. has information including the geological significance. It dates to when the Mediterranean dried up.

What dried fruit was valuable in ancient times?

Some dried fruits that were valuable in ancient times were apricots, dates, figs and prunes. These fruits have been a staple for Mediterranean diets due to their early cultivation in the Middle Eastern region known as the Fertile Crescent.

What three question must a criminologist be prepared to answer when examining dried blood?

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Where does the word currant come from?

It is a small dried seedless grape of the Mediterranean region, originally known as 'raysons de courante' - raisins of Corinth. The Greek port from which they were shipped

What two pieces of evidence did van Helmont use to reach his conclusion?

Van Helmont used the increase in mass of the willow tree and the water it was given as evidence to conclude that plants do not solely grow by taking up soil. This experiment led him to propose that plants primarily derive their nutrients from water.

What evidence do astronomers have that water flows on Mars?

Evidence from satellites in orbit and rovers on Mars show features like dried up riverbeds. Surveys on the surface have also found minerals that can only form in water.