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Any kind of animal abuse is wrong. Whether they are wild or not. They have feelings and can certainly feel pain. We as humans often misuse our power and hurt other beings.. even ourselves. Wild animals should not be kept in captivity UNLESS the environment for the animal is made as natural as possible so that the animal won't know the difference - for the purpose of being able to come a little closer to these wild animals without traveling to Africa. Unfortunately, most zoos keep animals in small cages where visitors bang on the cages and scare the animals every day.

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Q: Is zoo abuse wrong
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YES It is morally wrong to abuse any living thing. Cats, dogs, parents, children, yourself. All abuse is wrong.

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the main point is that it is wrong. Abuse is wrong it hurts. If someone hits you with the intent to hurt you or out of anger then it is physical abuse.

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No, it is wrong to abuse or neglect them.

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It is absolutely wrong to abuse those that you love.

Is it right or wrong for people to abuse dogs?

Its very wrong to abuse dogs because dogs are mammals like people and they need love and need to be cared for too! It is wrong to hurt or abuse any living thing. If you need to ask that question you may have a problem. If you don't know it is wrong to abuse a dog then you should talk it over with a trusted friend or adult until you do understand why it is wrong.

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It is never "ok" the word abuse does not mean that what you are doing is alright. Anything regarding abuse is wrong.

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How many people do animal abuse?

well i don't no but you guys should not abuse animals it is wrong

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Abuse, harm, "maltreat", to wrong...

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Jail and fines! Dog abuse is WRONG! You still have to wait for God's punishmenttttttt......

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Because they are mean people and I think its wrong so don't abuse pets