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Toward sunset on an evening when the light is extremelyclear, you can recognize the Mediterranean Sea and 2 towers of Ashdod (about 60 km to the west) from a look-out panoramic place known colloquially in Hebrew as "Ha-Psanter" ("The Piano"). This spot, on the edge of the Aminadav Forest on the southwestern outskirts of Jerusalem, is built in the shape of the keys of a piano and is a memorial tribute to the pianist Arthur (Artur) Rubinstein.

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Q: Is there any spot in the Jerusalem hills from where you can see the Mediterranean Sea?
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How far is it from Jerusalem to the Mediterranean Sea?

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Jerusalem is 32.6 miles from the Mediterranean or roughly 30-40 minutes by car. However, some of that time is the traffic coming into Tel Aviv.

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What sea stands between Jerusalem and Europe?

Jerusalem isn't on the coast, but there are a number of "seas" that lie between them. The primary one, which nominally includes all the others, would be the Mediterranean, but the Ionian and Aegean Seas around Greece would qualify, as might the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea. In fact, the fabled "Seven Seas" of myth and legend are mostly subdivisions of the Mediterranean.