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hi Chris here no the source is not the Gulf of Mexico but the mouth is in the gulf of Mexico

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Q: Is the source or the mouth of the Mississippi river in th gulf of Mexico?
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Is the source or mouth of Mississippi River in the Gulf of Mexico?

The mouth of the Mississippi River is in the Gulf of Mexico. The source of the Mississippi is Lake Itasca, Minnesota.

Is the source or the mouth of the Mississippi River in the Gulf of Mexico?

The mouth

Is the source or mouth of the Mississippi River in the Gulf of Mexico?

Source: MinnesotaMouth: LouisianaYes the mouth is in the gulf.Its source is Lake Itasca, northern Minnesota and its mouth is Pilottown, Gulf of Mexico.Yes the mouth of the Mississippi River is the Gulf of Mexico. The mouth of a river is where the river empties.

Where the source and the mouth of the Mississippi river located?

Gulf of Mexico.

Where at the source and the mouth of the Mississippi River located?

Source Lake Itasca mouth Gulf of Mexico

Where is the mouth of the Mississippi river and where is the source?

The headwaters of the Mississippi River are in northern Minnesota, and empties into the Gulf of Mexico. The Mississippi is the fourth longest river in the world.

What is the source or mouth of the mississippi river in the gulf of mexico?

The Mississippi river flows from Minnesota through Louisiana to the Gulf of Mexco.

Where are the source and the mouth of the Mississippi River?

The Mississippi River rises in northern Minnesota and flows southward for 2,320 miles to the Mississippi River Delta at the Gulf of Mexico.

Where are the source and mouth of the Mississippi river located?

Gulf of Mexico.

What is the mouth of the River Mississippi?

The mouth of the Mississippi is the Gulf of Mexico.

Where is the source of the Mississippi River and Where is the mouth of the Mississippi River?

The Mississippi River rises out of Lake Itasca in northern Minnesota and flows southward for 2,320 miles to the Mississippi River Delta at the Gulf of Mexico.

Is the source of Mississippi river the gulf of Mexico or lake in northern Mississippi?

The Mississippi rises (its Source) in Lake Itasca in northwestern Minnesota, and empties into the Gulf of Mexico (its Mouth) through its Delta in Louisiana.