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If you are referring to the Bering strait land bridge, it wasn't made but was part of the earth. It was an ice bridge.

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Q: Is the land bridge the last bridge that was made?
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Which two continents were connected by a land bridge?

North America and Asia were connected by a land bridge known as Beringia during the last ice age.

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What two continents were connected by a land bridge during the last ice age?

North America and Asia were connected by a land bridge called Beringia during the last ice age. This land bridge formed when sea levels dropped due to glaciers forming during the Pleistocene epoch.

What is the land bridge called that was used to cross from Siberia to North America?

The Bering Land Bridge or the Bering Sea Land Bridge.

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What two continents were connected by a land bridge?

North America and Asia were connected by a land bridge known as Beringia during the last Ice Age. This land bridge allowed early humans to migrate between the two continents.

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Who were the first people to cross the Bering Land Bridge?

the last people to cross the bridge were the natives to the Russian/Alaskan areas..

How do you use land bridge in a sentence?

During the last ice age, a land bridge connected Asia and North America, allowing early humans to migrate between the two continents.

What is the land bridge between North America and Asia called?

The land bridge between North America and Asia is called the Bering Land Bridge. It was exposed during the last ice age when sea levels were lower due to the large amount of water being locked up in glaciers. This land bridge allowed for the migration of humans and animals between the two continents.