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Q: Is the Atlantic ocean a moderating influence on west-central Bolivia's climate is?
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What is Bolivias pci?

The Bolivias pci is a measurament of wheels and tires.

What is bolivias government?

A republic.

What is Bolivias state animal?


What is Bolivias climate?

Hot and Humid

What was Bolivias first name?

Plurinational State of ...

What percent of Bolivias population live on the Altiplano?

582, 943 people

Who are Bolivias neighbors?

They are people living in Peru, Chile, Argentina, Paraguay and Brazil.

What is the colers of Bolivias flag?

red yellow w/ symbol in the middle green

Why might bolivias economy improve the future?

because of its valuable resources, including metals and natural gas.

Is bolivias country small?

Compared to other countries, it is. It's a little smaller than three times the state of Montana.

What is Bolivias population?

As of 2021, Bolivia's population is estimated to be around 11.8 million people.

What are Bolivias ethnic groups?

There are scores of them. The largest are Quechua, Aymara, and Guaraní.