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the amazon river had water in it and the other one didnt

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Q: Is the Amazon river the same as the urubamba river?
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Where is the Urubamba river?


A Famous River in Peru?

I don't know all of them (21 I think), but I can mention the Rimac in Lima, Urubamba in Cuzco and of course the Amazon river in the rainforest formed by the Marañon river and the Ucayali river.

What river passes below Machu Picchu and through Ollantaytambo?

The Urubamba river

What are three major rivers of Peru?

The Amazon river starts in Peru, and a few other rivers are: Madre de Dios, Heath, Tambopata, Purus, Manu, Putumayo, Yavari, Napo, Ucayali, Urubamba, Mantaro, and Apurimac. Peru has many rivers and most flow in to the Amazon basin.

Is Amazon River dolphin and the pink Amazon River dolphin the same?

Yes the amazon river dolphin and the pink amazon river dolphin the same just because one is pink doesn't mean anything.

Are Zaire river and Amazon River same?

No the Zaire River is in Africa and the Amazon in South America

Through which south American mountain chain does the urubamba river flow?

It flows out of the Andes.

What are the five largest rivers in south America and where are they located?

i think, not in order, they are the amazon, the colca, the Rio grande, the urubamba and... another one

Do you call the river Amazon the river Amazon or Amazon River?

The actual name is The Amazon or as some people refer to it as The Amazon River It's preffered as the Amazon River.

What are some questions to ask about the Amazon River?

what countries does the amazon river flow through? When did the Amazon river form? Where is the mouth of the river? Where is the amazon river basin located? Where is the Amazon river located? Who was the first person to discover the Amazon river?

Is the Amazon basin and the rain forest the same thing?

No, basin refers to the drainage area of the Amazon River while forest refers to the forest around the river. They are synonymous but not the same thing

What is the longest river in South America?

the amazon river is the longest river in south America