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No, sea levels are not constant. Sea level is defined as the average height of the ocean's surface (such as the mean of low and high tide), which changes at various times during the year due to temperature fluctuations, gravity, glacial melt, etc. Also, sea levels have fluctuated historically over the ages. Satellites are now used to measure sea levels.

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Q: Is sea level constant
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Sea level is constant throughout the world on all oceans and on the beaches of all continents.

Why is sea level used to measure the height of a place?

The height of a landform on Earth is DEFINED as its height above sea level since sea level is the closest thing on Earth to a constant or standard starting point. Sea level itself changes with the tides and wind and weather, so we use what is called "mean sea level" which is an average of measured levels at a given place over an extended time.

Is atmospheric pressure at sea level constant 1013?

It isn't constant anywhere, no. 1013.25 mb is simply the average pressure, which is particularly important at sea level because that is how observations are standardized. But atmospheric pressure always varies no matter where you are, as a consequence of having weather.

What is the opposite of below sea level?

above sea level

The lowest point in the state of Hawaii?

The lowest point in Hawaii is in the Pacific Ocean at sea level. what the heck!

How high is sea level?

Well, sea level is the standard by wich other things are measured, so zero is the answer. Sea level is sea level. Compared to what?

What is the level of the ocean's surface called?

The level of the ocean's surface is called sea level. It serves as the baseline for measuring elevation and depth.

How does atmospheric pressure below sea level compare with it at sea level?

14.7 psi = sea level. 15.2 psi = 1671 ft below sea level

Is the sea level the same everywhere?

No it is not the sea level definitely depends on where you are located like in Florida is considered below sea level and in Colorado they are above sea level

Is Seattle Washington at sea level?

It has an elevation ranging from sea level to 520 feet above sea level.

Is germany at sea level obove sea level or under sea level?

That is really a strange question. Never heard that any part of Germany is below sea level.