

Best Answer

There are numerous problems and concerns, mainly deforestation, resettlement, pollution and abuse of Natural Resources. Even these problems could not be reasonably covered in an answer here. The links below will guide you through / to the relevant information. .................JOKES LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL NONE OF THAT IS TRUE B) #YOLOSWAGDAD.COM.AU/LOLCATZ

A. why was the chicken unhappy?

B. because he only got laid once and it was by his mum

lololololololololololol..........classic......... :)

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Q: Is pollution a problem in the Amazon River?
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Is there any pollution in the amazon rain forest?

There is pollution in every river in the world.

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Impacts threats have on the Amazon river?

Urine and fieces pollution

What was contaminating the Yarra River?

Logging was a big problem for the Yarra River. The pollution of the industries in Melbourne was also a problem.

Does Amazon river dolphin live in the Amazon river?

Yes because of unnecessary poaching an hunting and also due to the loss of habitat and river pollution

Why did the Baiji river dolphin become extinct?

The river dolphin is not extinct. They can be found in the Mekong river and the Amazon river.

Is the Murray River likely to be polluted?

There is minimal pollution in the Murray River. Its biggest problem is increasing salinity levels.

Is the Yarra River poisonous to fish?

The Yarra River of Australia has a pollution problem. First of all, Australia has had drought conditions and the water level is below normal. Pollution from people in Melbourne and suburbs has also damaged the river.

Do you call the river Amazon the river Amazon or Amazon River?

The actual name is The Amazon or as some people refer to it as The Amazon River It's preffered as the Amazon River.

What is the mos t critic al water pollution problem in the world?

Littering and dumping chemicals in the river.

What are some problems facing in the Amazon Rainforest?

Well there's been a lot of pollution in the Amazon River. There's been pollution from everyday people who don't even care about the Amazon's beauty and use it as some type of trash can. But there is also pollution from companies and industries that are causing tons of pollution in the river. Drinking this water, some people have gotten diseases and some have even had the terrible fate of death from the river's water.

What are some questions to ask about the Amazon River?

what countries does the amazon river flow through? When did the Amazon river form? Where is the mouth of the river? Where is the amazon river basin located? Where is the Amazon river located? Who was the first person to discover the Amazon river?