No. Mercury has no air or water. It is extremely hot during the day and extremely cold at night.
because mercury is extremely hot during the day and extremely cold at night
Mercury's temperature is so hot during the day because the atmosphere in Mercury is very thin, allowing a lot of heat to take in during the day and so cold at night because the atmoshere at night cannot hold the heat so it becomes extremly cold quickly. =) Thank you so much..... I hope I have the right answer
This is pretty close to the temperature range on the surface of the planet Mercury. Cold at night, hot during the day.
I think the planet you are thinking of is Mercury.
It is very close to the sun so that is why it is hot during the day. But on the side of the planet not exposed to the suns rays it is very cold. Reason being is that it has no atmosphere to hold the heat in.
Mercury is the hottest planet, because it is the closest planet to the sun.
Mercury's temperatures can drop to as cold as 100 K (-279.4) at night, but rise to as high as 700 K (800.6 F) during the day. This is due to the fact that Mercury has no atmosphere. Because of this, it experiences the full force of the Sun during the day and the extreme chill of the universe at night.
No. Nothing could live on Mercury. On Mercury there is no air, the day is extremely hot and the night extremely cold.
deserts are hot during the day and cold at night
Mercury's surface is heavily cratered and covered with rocky terrain. It has large plains, cliffs, and escarpments. The surface temperature of Mercury can vary greatly, with extremely hot temperatures during the day and very cold temperatures at night.
NO. It is boiling hot during the day and freezing cold at night. The earth in which we live is the only place in our galaxy capable of sustaining life.