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It is mainly in cold and wet areas as well as large,quiet places. Then in that case yup, forests do produce echo.

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Q: Is echo produced in a dense forest?
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What is the origin of echo?

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Where is echo cave on fiesta?

it is located at forest of mist

Which forest has dense areas of trees?

Tropical Rain Forest.

Why cant you hear echoes in a forest?

In a forest, sound waves are absorbed or scattered by the trees, leaves, and other vegetation, preventing them from bouncing back and creating an echo. The dense foliage acts as a barrier that absorbs and diffuses sound, reducing the chances of echo formation.

What is a dense forest?

A dense forest is an area of land covered with thick vegetation, typically comprised of closely packed trees, bushes, and other plant life. This type of forest is characterized by limited sunlight penetration due to the dense canopy, creating a dark and humid environment with rich biodiversity.

What would you feel in the forest?

in the forest it is cool and shaded from the sun. it smells well if it is a dense forest.

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Ancient Mesopotamia's forest was so dense that they could not see the stars

What does a dense forest mean?

A dense forest is a forest that has a high concentration of trees, shrubs, and vegetation, with little space between them. This type of forest can limit sunlight reaching the forest floor, creating a dark and shaded environment. Dense forests can support a diverse range of plant and animal species due to their high resource availability.

What do you call a dense group of small trees?

It is called a forest.

Example of sentences of simile about forest?

a dense forest

Opposite of dense forest?

The opposite of dense could be thin, sparse, uncompressed, lightweight, or rarified (in the case of gasses).For populations, the opposite could be scattered or meager.