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yes! it's named that because it's very salty and most sea creatures can't live in it. so it is "dead"

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Q: Is dead sea exist
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Is dead sea is exist on earth?

yes,dead sea e

Does the Dead Sea not exist on Earth?

The Dead Sea does exist on earth. It is also called the Salt Sea, and it is between Jordan and Israel. The land around it is Earth's lowest elevation on land.

Where is the dead sea and why don't people sink in it?

The dead sea is not called the dead sea because people sink in it and die, it's called that because there is no water flow, and no creatures swim in it. That is why it is called the dead sea. It doesn't seem to exist, it's like it is dead.

Which sea does not exist yellow black or blue?

Both exist, as in there is an area with that name. Both are not bodies of water. The Sea of Tranquility is an area on Earth's moon but has no water. The Dead Sea is a body of water on Earth.

Which sea has the highest salinity in the world?

dead seathe dead sea

Where is the Dead Sea located Why is it called the Dead Sea?

The Dead sea is connected to both Israel and Jordan, On the Israeli side it is located in Ein Gedi, near Mesada and not very far from Jerusalem. It is called the Dead Sea because it too salty for anything to live in, animals, fish or plants cannot exist there. It is a beautiful place, very calm and it is the lowest spot on earth, 424 meters below sea level

What sea is nicknamed the Dead sea?

The Dead Sea is also called the Dead Sea.

What body of water is fed by the Jordan river and lies south of the sea of Galilee and the dead sea?

The Dead Sea.

Is dead sea a ocean or sea?

Dead sea should be a sea.

Why does the dead sea has no waves?

dead sea dead liao

Is the dead sea a sea or a lake?

The Dead Sea is a lake.

What did the Dead Sea died of?

The surface of the Dead Sea is more than 400 meters below sea level and mineral laden water flowing into it from the Jordan River disappear by evaporation. Minerals left behind after the water evaporates make the Dead Sea about nine times as salty as the oceans. Animal and plant life cannot exist in this high a concentration of salt, so the Dead Sea was given its name long ago because there was no evidence of any forms of life in it. There are tiny microbes living in the Dead Sea, but their existence was unknown before the 1900's.