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not really just the hill might be a little scary

It is the scariest ride in the park. It may not be the tallest or fastest, but it is the least safe. You feel like the car leaves the track after every hill. If you are going to die on any roller coaster in the world, it will be the Blue Streak at Cedar Point.

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Q: Is blue streak scary at cedar point?
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Related questions

When was Blue Streak - Cedar Point - created?

Blue Streak - Cedar Point - was created in 1964.

How long is the blue streak at cedar point?

The Blue Streak is a very bad ride . Way too bumpy so dont worry about it.

What is the shortest you can be to ride at Cedar Point?

You must be at least four feet tall to ride the Blue Streak at Cedar Point. But they have seventeen roller coasters!

What Rides Are At Cedar Point?

Roller Coasters: Blue Streak Raptor Gatekeeper Gemini Mean Streak Millennium Force Maverick Mantis Cork Screw Iron Dragon Top Thrill Dragster

What was the oldest ride at cedar point?

Well, it's a matter of opinion and taste. But for me, I think most rides at Cedar Point are AWESOME :D my favorite is the maxair!it might look scary but every1 that i recomened it 2 loved it u should try it 2!

How tall is the tallest roller coaster at cedar point?

420 Ft. Top Thrill Dragster. This coaster is currently the second tallest coaster in the world

What roller coaster is at cedar point theme Park Ohio?

they have 16 roller coasters. they are the mellenium force, the top thrill dragster, the gemini, the mean streak, the magnum, the maverick, the raptor, the mantis, the corkskrew, the iron dragon the diasater transport, the woodstock express, the blue streak, the wicked twister and the jr. gemini.

What is is cobalt's streak color?

The color of the cobalt streak is blue

What is a azurite streak color?

The streak color of azurite is light blue to blue.

When was Blue Streak - comics - created?

Blue Streak - comics - was created in 1978.

When was Blue Streak - album - created?

Blue Streak - album - was created in 1995.

When was Blue Streak released?

Blue Streak was released on 09/17/1999.