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no, u will probably drown 1st if u get tired whilst swimming in the ocean, then all the other fishes will feed off your decaying dead body.

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Q: Is at true the if you are swimming in the ocean you will get tierd and i shark will eat you?
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Yes it is!! That is a true fact!!

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Of course not.

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lemon sharks live in the ocean near the reefs well it was only a made up fiction of the lemon shark but now it is true.

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The law of detachment says that in cases where A implies B, if A is true, B must also be true. For example, if A says that this is a shark, and B says that it lives in the ocean, we can conclude that if A is true, B is also true, and it lives in the ocean.

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Are you pregnant?

Are there any sharks in Rio de Janeiro?

yes there is every species swimming in our oceans including great white, tiger shark, reef shark, nurse shark, hammerhead shark, plus many, many more. for more species of sharks go to google and look up " types/species of sharks"

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Red or pink algae in a swimming pool is actually a bacteria. The most common cause is contamination from swimming suits when going from the ocean to the pool. Chlorine is the most effective treatment. Algae products will not work because it is not a true algae.

Is shark a true fish?

Yes there is a type a shark called a ''Bull shark''

How do sharks eat and sleep?

That depends on the type of shark. BTW in case you were wondering, it is not true that all (most) sharks can never stop swimming and must always be moving otherwise they die. But it is true that they need flowing water.

If you have never eaten shark for a long time Is this a true statement if you have never eaten shark?

If you have never eaten shark at all, it would be technically true to say that you have not eaten shark in a long time. The statement, "not having eaten shark in a long time", does, however imply that, at some time, you did eat shark.