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Yes. It comes from the Iroquois tribe known as the Erie Indians, Erie short for Erielhonan which means "long tail" in Iroquois.

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Q: Is Lake Erie an Indian name?
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What great lake is named after an Indian culture?

Lake Erie for the Erie Indians. This was answered by Zonka.

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What great lake is named after an Indian tribe?

The Lake Erie is named after the Erie tribe of Native Americans.-Pookie

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What is the name of the lake that connects to Lake Erie?

The Detroit River flows into Lake Erie from Lake St. Claire which is connected to Lake Huron. Lake Erie flows over Niagara Falls and goes into Lake Ontario.

How did Lake Erie get its nickname?

from being icy Eriez Indian Tribe

Name the great lakes?

Well it is Lake Superior, Lake Michigan, Lake Huron, Lake Erie, and Lake Ontario

How did Lake Erie get its name?

The Lake Erie name comes from the Native Americans who once populated the southern shore of the lake, known as the Eirehonan or Erie Indians. As I understand it, that name comes from an Indian word meaning people of the cat, and the Lake was know for a while as Lac du Chat or lake of the cat by the French explorers, due to the fact that the area surrounding it was well populated by large cats. Strange how now there are cryptozoological reports of large black cats seen along its waters from time to time.Talk about Erie (sorry about that).