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longer or bigger? the nile is longer but amazon is bigger

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Q: Is Amazon longer than nile
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Is the river amazon longer than the nile?

No the Nile is longer

Is the Nile or the Amazon River deeper?

the longest river is the Nile in Egypt it is 6670 km in length

Which river is bigger Nile Mississippi or Amazon?

The Amazon River is considerably longer than the Mississippi River. At around 4,000 miles, the Amazon River is 1,700 miles longer.

Why is the Nile River the best river?

The nile isn't exactly the best river but it is wider and has more water than the amazon river but the amazon river is yet longer. hope it helped =D

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Is the Amazon the longest river?

The Amazon is actually the largest river, not longest. The Nile River actually is the longest river. The Amazon is wider, while the Nile is longer.

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The Nile River is longer than the Styx River.

Why is the amazon and not the Nile river the largest river system in the world?

because it is longer

Can you name two rivers that are longer tha 2000 miles?

nile amazon

Is the Amazon River longer than the Nile River?

if you mean bigger as in length the Amazon is longer. the Amazon river is 6,437 kilometers and the Congo River is 4,667 kilometers, the amazon also has a greater volume of flow and drainage basin.

Is the yellow stone river longer than the Amazon River?

NO it is not. The Egypitian Nile in Africa is the first longest river in the world. The second it the amazon though it does have the most volume of them all! But I am afraid I don't know anything about the yellow stone river But I do know that the Amazon is longer than the yellow river thingy.

How much longer is the Nile River than the Mississippi?

It is 1006 longer then the Mississippi river