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Q: In what order are sediments deposited by running water that slows down?
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How does speed affect where or how sediments are deposited?

The greater the speed the less sediment deposited. A delta is where a river slows way down and sediment is deposited at the mouth of the river.

When are sediments deposited?

When the river hits the sea and slows down, hence why a large number of rivers have sedimentary deltas at the mouth

A large amount of sediments deposited at the mouth of a river form what?

A large amount of sediments deposited at the mouth of a river can form a delta. Deltas are landforms created by the accumulation of sediments carried by the river and deposited as the river's flow slows upon entering a body of water, such as a lake or ocean.

Why do the sediments get deposited when a river runs into a lake or sea?

Generally the speed of the transported load slows down considerably with the change in the transport medium from stream to lake or sea. As the energy of the motion is reduced, gravity claims the sediments.

When the flow of a river slows is the sediment deposited?

Yes, when the flow of a river slows the sediment is deposited.

What are fine bits of rock and soil deposited on land by a river?

Sediments, such as sand, silt, and clay, are fine bits of rock and soil that are deposited on land by a river. These sediments are carried by the river's current and then settle on the river banks and floodplains when the water slows down. Over time, these sediments contribute to the formation of fertile soil and landforms in river valleys.

when the flow of a river does what the sediment is deposited?

The flow of water slows enough for the silt to be deposited.

When are sediments transported by a river deposited?

Sediments carried by a river are typically deposited when the river's velocity decreases, such as in areas with gentle slopes, bends, or at the river's mouth where it meets a body of standing water like a lake or ocean. This decrease in velocity results in sediment settling out of the flow and accumulating on the riverbed.

Is delta weathering erosion deposition?

Delta is primarily a geological feature formed from deposition, where sediments carried by rivers are deposited at the river mouth. Weathering and erosion do play a role in the process of forming a delta, as they break down rocks and transport sediments to the river, which are then deposited at the delta.

When a stream slows down its competence is reduced and sediment begins to?

Sediments begin to be Deposited. This occurs or is been experienced mostly at the river mouth, where its water enters a larger body, like the sea. (i.e. at its distributaries).

What landform wsa most likely made by the process of depositing sediments?

A delta is a landform that is most likely made by the process of depositing sediments. Deltas are formed at the mouth of a river where the river's sediments are deposited as the river slows down and enters a larger body of water, such as a lake or an ocean. The accumulation of sediments over time creates a triangular-shaped landform with various channels and distributaries.

Agents of erosion drop sediments they are carrying when their energy is increases or decreases?

When the energy of an agent of erosion decreases, such as when a river slows down or a glacier melts, it drops the sediments it was carrying. This process is known as deposition, where the sediments are deposited in new locations, leading to the formation of new landforms. On the other hand, when the energy of the agent of erosion increases, it can pick up and transport more sediments.