The Pará and the Amazon are connected by a series of river channels called furos near the town of Breves; between them lies Marajó, an island almost the size of Switzerland that is the world's largest combined river/sea island. Others consider it the independent lower reach of the Tocantins River.
Pioneer River is in Australia,Platte River is in Nebraska,Purus River is in Brazil,Po River is in Italy,
There are over 1,100 tributaries that flow into the Amazon River. The three longest are the Madeira River(1), Purus River(2) and the Japur River(3).Madeira River
Hellinsia purus was created in 1913.
Marañón, Japurá, Rio Negro, Ucayali, Purus, Madeira, Tapajós, Xingu and Tocantins.
Pecos, Platte and Potomac are rivers in the United States. Piave and Po are rivers in Italy. Pineios is a river in Greece. Pioneer is a river in Australia. Purus is a river in Brazil.
The Japura river in the Brazil & Colombia & the Jurua river in Peru and Brazil.
Tributaries are Marañón, Japurá, Rio Negro, Ucayali, Purus, Madeira, Tapajós, Xingu, Tocantins Rivers.
The anagram is usurp.