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Because Maxim was a "brooder" or "obsessor". So wrapped up in his own concerns, he didn't take the time to ponder anything else. Like his wife's unhappiness. Like the eerie Mrs. Danvers. Like Jack Favell lurking about.

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Q: In 'Rebecca' why hadn't Maxim fired Mrs Danvers long before she set fire to Manderly?
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Internal and external conflicts in Rebecca?

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What actors and actresses appeared in Rebecca - 1947?

The cast of Rebecca - 1947 includes: Dorothy Black as Mrs. Danvers Michael Hordern as Maxim de Winter Eric Messiter as Colonel Julyan Mackenzie Ward as Jack Favell

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The cast of Rebecca - 1962 includes: Lloyd Bochner as Jack Favell Nina Foch as Mrs. Danvers Joan Hackett as The Second Mrs. de Winter James Mason as Maxim de Winter

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The climax in Rebecca is when Maxim de Winter reveals to the narrator that he. in fact, had killed Rebecca by shooting her.

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1940 actor as maxim de winter?

Laurence Olivier portrayed Maxim de Winter in Alfred Hitchcock's Rebecca.

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The protagonist of "Rebecca" by Daphne du Maurier is the unnamed young second wife of Maxim de Winter. The story follows her as she grapples with the shadow of Maxim's deceased first wife, Rebecca, and the secrets surrounding her death.

Who played Maxim de Winterin 1940 film Rebecca?

Laurence Olivier.

In the novel rebecca do the de winters or rebecca win and what evidence supports this?

In the novel Rebecca, the De Winters win as they take control of Manderley and their marriage is shown to be stronger and more genuine compared to Rebecca's. Evidence supporting this includes Maxim's confession to the narrator about Rebecca's true nature and his commitment to starting anew with her. Rebecca's legacy eventually fades away as the De Winters move on from her influence.

What is rebecca by daphne du maurier about?

"Rebecca" by Daphne du Maurier is about a young bride consumed by the shadow of her husband's deceased first wife, Rebecca. The novel revolves around themes of jealousy, manipulation, and the haunting presence of the past. It explores the complexities of relationships and the consequences of secrets and lies.

Who was Maxim de winter?

A character in the book 'Rebecca' by Daphne Du Maurier.

Who is mrs de winters in the book Rebecca?

The wives of Maxim de Winter. The first wife was Mrs. Rebecca de Winter, which the second wife is just known as either the narrator or Mrs. de Winter, as her first name was never stated in the book.