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Q: How would you defend the motte and bailey castle?
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Who would live in the bailey of a motte and bailey castle?

all the soldiers and men who helped to defend the castle would live in the bailey as well as the king/queen.

What is the use of a Bailey in a Motte and Bailey castle?

A Bailey in a Motte and Bailey castle would be used to put the stables, guard room, blacksmith etc...

What is the bailey in a motte and bailey castle?

The bailey in a motte-and-bailey castle was the flat area where stables, barracks, houses etc. would rest. It would later be adapted into the "courtyard" for bigger stone castles.

What is a bailey in a castle?

The Bailey in a castle was a courtyard insidethe wall or between two outer walls of a castle that surrounded The Keep.It was a Market Place and served as a gathering place for the locals residents.

Where would you position a motte and bailey castle?

A castle would usually be on a hill, wouldn't it?

Where in a motte and bailey castle would a knight live?


How wide would a motte and bailey castle be?

30 metres

How would you plan a successful attack on a motte and bailey castle?

Bomb it

Who lives on the motte in a motte and bailey castle?

Normally lords would live there and all the important people

Describe the defensive features of a motte and bailey castle?

The Motte was a defensive feature to a Motte and Bailey castle because By The Time The attackers got to the top Of The Motte (a big hill where the main castle was) They would Be KNACKERED!! (I Learnt this in my history lesson!)

What would you do if your motte and bailey castle was being burnt?

Put water on it and kill the enemy. :|

What would it be like to live in a Motte and bailey castle?

Well, the hjarsh living condirncudjuejejjce