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no one is really sure but most scientist and people think that slaves were used to build them

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Q: How were the pyrmids built?
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Why were pyrmids built?

so they can put the dead pharohs in

How old are the pyrmids?

5000 years

What were the pyrmids?

The Pyramids were used as tombs for a Pharaoh when they died.

What are the name of the most famous pyrmids?

Bent pyramid

What did civilization invent?

pyrmids and giant dog people

What inventions did Egyptians civilized?

pyrmids and giant dog people

How many pyrmids were there?

there was over 100 in the space of 2 days altogether there were 842

What did the ancient egyptians use there pyrmids for?

To put the tombs in and in the tombs there are dead mummified people.

What were the pyrmids used for?

they were used as palaces for kings where they would spend there intire life until they die and get buried in the center.

Why was the great pyrimid of giza bulit?

the question is not so much why they were made .. the answer to that question can only be answerd by asking your self another question .. "where were they made ...?" i have been building pyrmids on a web site named minecraft . i have just completed my second pyrmid or 42 thousand blocks , the first was 32 thousand blocks .. i learn something you should all be aware of .. in the mock build . i prove my theory was correct .. and he is how to prove if i am correct in reality .. this is a very complex math equation . so try to under stand what i explain and you will learn something beyond your race under standing of the pyrmids .. when building the pyrmids on a set location .. i build them to a basic pattern .. 30 by 30 blocks or 40 by 40 blocks or cubics as i like to call them . now under stand what i am going to say to you .. each row startswith a given number of blocks . yet i found the pyrmids were off when i got to the top row . in both pyrmids i build .. OK .. now follow me here .. the only way to correct the sides to the set 40 by 40 cubics is to correct one side of the pyrmid .. this happend on both pyrmids i build .. now think about it .. i build the pyrmids 2 blocks wide and two blocks high for each level , the only way to correct the pyrmid back to the basic 40 by 40 was to add block to one side to correct the over all shape of the pyrmid .. now do you under stand what i am saying .. if i am correct . the pyrmids are one or two blocks out of alinement . on one of the 4 sides ,, they would have to be to exist to the set scale of the math equation . what i am saying is . if i am correct and the pyrmids were moved from the quories near Atlantis .. the pyrmids are not 100% aline with the stars .. in fact one side of the 4 sided shape is one or two blocks off alinement ,, mathimatically has to be ! how can you see if i am right . count the number of blocks in the bottom row of all 4 sides and then check the over all alinement of the top blocks to the star pattern .. the top blocks will appear to be aline . but the bottom blocks in the bottom row .. will prove i am correct .. they have to be off one or two blocks on one of the 4 sides , why because if you got to the top of the pyrmid and it was of shape the only way to correct it is to add to one side correcting it and its opposite side number of blocks pre row ... this could tell us what pyrmids were moved to the location vs , what pyrmids were build there to star with ... the point is there is no way to correct the pyrmid when you star to build it .. you can only correct the pyrmid when you get to the top row , logic defines if the pyrmid is off . you have to correct one side of the 4 if two sides are equal . then one of the two that are not must be corrected to reshape the pyrmid back to its true scale .. in doing this . you shift the pyrmid one or two blocks in one of the 4 directions .. fact ! who wants to find out if i am correct .. ?

Why was the eye built how was it built and who built it?

this was built by mohamad of ghazni

Is it built-in or built in?

It was built in china