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That is just a claim. But, there was a guard named Freeman "Punch-drunk" Pepper. I have only thoughts about how managed to earn such a nickname.

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Q: How were the prison guards abusive in Alcatraz?
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Were there any women in Alcatraz?

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How much does an Alcatraz prison guard make?

Alcatraz has been closed as a prison since the early 60s, so there are no prison guards there. Either you are thinking of San Quentin, and the average there is just under $100,000 I believe, or.... The people in uniform you are referring to on Alcatraz are Park Rangers, as Alcatraz is now a part of the US Park system (hence tourism). Hope that helps.

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yes it was. if inmates broke regular prison rules, they would go to alcatraz.

How much does an Alcatraz guard make?

Alcatraz has been closed as a prison since the early 60s, so there are no prison guards there. Either you are thinking of San Quentin, and the average there is just under $100,000 I believe, or.... The people in uniform you are referring to on Alcatraz are Park Rangers, as Alcatraz is now a part of the US Park system (hence tourism). Hope that helps.

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Alcatraz was a prison in sanfransisco bay

How is Alcatraz beautiful?

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Alcatraz Prison

For which of these purposes has Alcatraz not been used?

Alcatraz was used as a prison.

How the prison was run?

The Alcatraz prison is a prison located on Alcatraz Island located in the San Francisco Bay exactly 1.5 miles from San Francisco.

Was there a bowling ally on Alcatraz?

yes, for the guards and their family

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Yes, the guards family