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The process before burial is called mummification. Some Pharaohs were buried in the pyramids.

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Q: How were pharaohs buried and what was the process?
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Where were pharaohs buried?

In Egypt, the pharaohs were buried in Valley of the Kings.

Where were the pharaohs buried in all kingdoms?

In the second era the pharaohs were buried in pyramids, in the first and third era they were buried in small tombs.

Where is the pharaohs's boat buried?

By the pyramid where the pharaoh is buried.

Where were most pharaohs buried?

in the Valley of the Kings at Luxor in southern Egypt.

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What were the pharaohs buried?

The Pharaoh was buried under or in there pyramid or in there tomb.

When were pharaoh buried in pyramids?

Pharaohs were buried in the pyramids when they died

Which pharaohs was living in the pyramid?

Pharaohs didn't 'live' in the pyramids... they were buried there when they died !

Why were Egyptian pharaohs buried with their childhood toys?

They were buried with all their belongings.

In what type of structure was pharaohs buried?

a Pharaoh was buried in a tomb of there on chambers

What people were buried in the pyramids?

The pyramids of Egypt were primarily built as tombs for the pharaohs of ancient Egypt. These pharaohs were believed to be divine rulers and were buried with valuable treasures and belongings they would need in the afterlife. Some of the famous pharaohs buried in the pyramids include Khufu, Khafre, and Menkaure.

Why are thing buried with the pharaohs?

In ancient Egypt things were buried with the pharaohs as they thought they might need , these things in the next life or in the next world.