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It varied depending on the castle, and the height of the wall. Some were 2-3 feet thick, some 20 feet.

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Q: How tall were the stone keep castles?
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What types of medieval castles were there?

Motte and bailey castles, Stone keep castles and Concentric castles

What year were stone keep castles made?

Stone keep castles were built in 11th - 13th centuries.

Why might it have been more difficult to attack a castle then it was to defend it?

Stone or square keep castles were first built in Medieval England by William the Conqueror. Stone keep castles were the natural extension of motte and bailey castles. Motte and bailey castles were only temporary features (though many mottes exist to the day) while stone keep castles were built to last

What were stone keep castles made from?


What was stone keep castles made of?


What Materials were used to build square keep castles?

Square keep castles (or stone keep castles) were made out of stone; you can probably tell from the name! Hope this helps.

How did the materials castles were made out of change?

Norman castles changed from Motte and Bailey castles which were made out of wood to Stone Keep castles made out of stone. They changed the castles in this way because of these reasons: * Stones stronger than wood * Stone, unlike wood, doesn't burn * Wood rots withing a few years but Stone will last for centuries * Stone Keep castles had higher up walls meaning that attackers couldn't fire arrows at them * Stone Keep castles had really tall towers that the defenders of the castles could easily fire off, but there's no way that the attackers would be able to fire up at them

What type of castles are there?

motte and bailey, stone keep castles and concentric castles

When did stone keep castles change to concentric castles?

Becuase of me

What were Norman castles made of?

This depends on what type of castle your referring to. In the Norman times, there were two different types of castles built. There were Motte and Bailey castles and Stone keep castles (Stone castles). The Motte and Bailey castles were made out of wood and the Stone keep castles were made out of stone (obviously).

What is the history of the Motte and Bailey Castles Concentric Castles and Stone Keep Castles?

they all did IT.

Are all castles the same?

No, all castles are different in some way. These are the different types of castles: * Motte and Bailey castles (made out of wood) * Stone keep castles or just stone castles (made out of stone) * Concentric castles (also made out of stone)