Forest cover is the amountin percent of how much the earth is covered by forest.
Indonesia is a tropic country!! Indonesia have a second largest rain forest in the world. so the climate of Indonesia is tropic.
Top 10 country's with the largest forest cover 1) Russia 2) Brazil 3) Canada 4) USA 5) China 6) Australia 7) Republic of Congo 8) Indonesia 9) Angola 10) Perth
The countries where logging occurs the most are Brazil, Indonesia, and Russia. These countries have significant areas of forest cover and also face challenges with illegal logging, deforestation, and forest degradation.
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the recreation in Indonesia is to find your English teacher, cover him in coffee beans, and eat him alive.
The current haze situation in Singapore (Oct 2010) is caused by farmers burning forest areas in Sumatra, Indonesia.
Tigers live in areas where there is a lot of cover and plenty of prey (food). Their habitat are in mountain ranges and forest. For the Bengal Tigers, they are found mostly in the Himalayas and its surrounding forest. For the Sumatran Tigers, they can be found in the jungles (forest) in the Island of Sumatra in Indonesia, South China Tigers can be found in the mountain ranges and forest of South China. To answer your question, yes they do live in the forest or jungles where there are a lot of covers and plenty of food, not rainforests.
According to the latest data, the state of Iowa has the lowest percentage of forest cover in the United States, with only about 6% of the land area covered by forests.
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