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Q: How much light does continental shelf get?
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The portion of land that extends into the ocean is called the continental?


What do you call the part of a continent that extends underwater?

Land. Continental shelf.

What begins at the edge of the continental shelf?

the continental shelf-edge or shelf-break

What is the oldest continental shelf?

the oldest continental shelf is in tortoga

Does the gulf stream flow over the continental shelf or the continental slope?

continental shelf

The continental shelf continental slope and continental rise combine to form what?

The continental shelf, continental slope, and continental rise combine to form the continental margin.

How is the slope different from the continental shelf?

The slope is the steep incline at the edge of the continental shelf that descends into the ocean depths. The continental shelf is a gently sloping, submerged portion of a continent that extends from the shoreline to the shelf break where the slope begins.

Which side of Florida has the widest continental shelf?

The western side of Florida has the widest continental shelf. The Gulf of Mexico side of Florida typically has a wider continental shelf compared to the Atlantic Ocean side.

Which section of the ocean is closest to the shoreline?

contiental shelf \

What marks the seaward edge of the continental shelf?

The seaward edge of the continental shelf is marked by the shelf break, which is the steep slope that descends from the continental shelf to the deep ocean floor. This is where the ocean depth abruptly increases, indicating the boundary between the continental shelf and the continental slope.

A sharp drop-off beyond the continental shelf is called what?

A sharp drop-off beyond the continental shelf is called a continental slope. The continental slope marks the transition between the continental shelf and the deep ocean floor.

The BEST definition of the outer edge of the continental shelf is that point where?

the continental shelf drops off steeply into the deep ocean floor, marking the transition from the shallower continental shelf to the deeper oceanic abyssal plain.