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Q: How much farmland is being lost per day?
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Good farmland and mild climate APEXHAVE A NICE DAY NIGS

How much food was eaten during one day of the civil war?

Sherman's army in Tennessee needed twenty trainloads of rations each day - on a single-track railroad with twenty-four viaducts that were always being blown up by Confederate cavalry. No wonder the rich farmland of Georgia (after a good harvest) made him think of living off the land - the basis for his March to the Sea.

How much waste is being wasted?

About 200,000,000 gallons a day.

What does the idiom lost her cool mean?

It means she "lost her temper". Take this example: A boy goes to a girl and starts talking to her. She talks to him the first day. By the next day he begins to bug her or pester her so much that she doesn't want to talk to him or listen to him either. And by the third day she cannot stand him anymore and she yells at him. In such a situation we would say "She lost her cool by the third day."

What threatens the fertility of Canada's farmlands?

Modern Farming practices have advanced to the point that we are well aware of what is required to maintain farmland fertility. Yet farming practices are still a threat because fertility of the land has value and costs money and time to create. Climate in Canada has always been changing. It is not good to have a kilometer of ice sitting on top of farmland, and of course nothing is worst than having the retreat taking the farmland with it and leaving little but scoured bare rock behind. When the Climate warms Canada gets more farmland and the farmland it already has gets longer growing seasons. Combine that with Canada's huge freshwater resources and climate change is huge positive for Canadian farming. But at the end of the day the #1 threat to Canada's farmland fertility is Urban Expansion. Canada has build over much of it's most productive farmland and continues to so. Farming practices and urban expansion are the greatest threat.