tikies and no bunnys
There was a study done about Easter Island in 1947 that was called the Island of Death. See the Related Link.
Some Moais (Easter Island heads) that are on the grass are being excavated to find out how tall they truly are and to see what they standing on and to see what the surface surrounding the base has hidden.
you go to town square and click the egg. or you can go on the map and click the button that says - and go down you will see easter island
I believe so. If you use Google Maps, and you zoom in on Easter Island, then you can see a bunch of little houses scattered all over the place.
moai and 45 ft tall
You may be referring to the red hats and their coloration ; see related link .
Easter Island is a remote island in the Pacific Ocean known for its large statues called moai. These statues were built by the indigenous Rapa Nui people and are believed to represent their ancestors. The island is also famous for its unique culture, history, and impressive archaeological sites.
it will cost 500$
Easter Lily