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About the same cost to go to Brazil. The Amazon rain forest goes right on top of Brazil. You should take a bus or car to the rain forest and get to the river by walk. Besides you can go to Chile or Venezuela. The Amazon goes right on the other countries. No roads or towns. Just a whole rain forest to hike through.

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Q: How much does it cost to go to the amazon rainforest?
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there is gas, cause of all the people that go there...and pass.....their gas.

How much would it cost to go to the Amazon rainforest?

There are tons of things that would include the price of visiting the rainforest. There is the packing supplies you have to consider and also the vaccinations. You would have to pay the airline price and money for hotels and food ect. Finally, there would be the cost of having a tour guide lead you through the rainforest because you would definitely not want to go alone! Also, if I were you, before I visit the rainforest I would pray about it. There are so many more important things you could use that money for like SAVING the rainforest instead of seeing it. But if you're sure you want to visit it, make sure you consider all of these different costs. Have a great day!

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Well, as he said, $20 to $300 If they aren't trained. if you are looking for how much birds are, go to this site where you can buy, or just see how much they cost.

What are some landforms in Peru?

The Andes Mountains go threw Peru, some Deserts, and Amazon Rainforest's

How do you get to the Amazon rainforest and What is the best way?

First, go by donkey. Then ride a dolphin until you get to south america, when you get there take a sloth ride into the amazon and get killed by tigers!!!

Is it safe to explore the amazon rain forest?

Yes you can gte a tour in the amazon rainforest,but exploring it alone may be not safe