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Q: How much difference is the Nile and Mississippi length?
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In miles how long are the Nile and Amazon rivers?

Mississippi - 2,320 miles Nile - 4,135 miles Amazon - 3,980 miles

How much longer than the Mississippi river is the Nile River?

It is 1006 longer then the Mississippi river

How much length is the Mississippi?

it is 70 miles

How much water is in the river nile?

length(6670km)x width(2km)xdepth(9m)equals quantity of water in the nile

How much longer is the Nile River than the Mississippi?

It is 1006 longer then the Mississippi river

Approximately how wide does the Nile Valley become at its mouth?

the river Nile changes by the weight of it and how much difference there is sometimes it is the height difference and sometimes it is the weight what do u prefer

How much longer is nile river than darling?

The Nile is 6,853 kmThe Darling River is 1,472 kmThis equates to the Nile being 5,381 km longer, or just over 5 times the length.

Why is there so much confusion about the river Amazon and Nile?

The topic is the difference of opinion as to which is actually the longest. At present the vast majority of opinion is that the Nile is the longest.

What is the difference between the Mississippi river and the Niger river?

the difference between the Mississippi and amazon rivers is that the Mississippi is much longer by 4.6 miles

How much time difference is there from Mississippi to caliornia?

Mississippi is in the Central Time Zone and California is in the Pacific Time Zone. Therefore, there is a 2-hour time difference between Mississippi and California.

Answers for Holt mathematics course 2 chapter 2 lesson 11?

The Nile river is the worlds longest river let n stand for the length in miles of the Nile the parana river is 3,030 miles long write an expression to show how much longer the Nile is than the parana

How much water flows through the river nile?

Around 30% of the Nile River comes from the White Nile.