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4-11 dollars per day.

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Q: How much did a worker earn in a year while building the Golden Gate Bridge?
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Related questions

What does the plaque on the golden gate bridge say?

There are two. One has the names of the directors and contractors who oversaw work on the bridge and the other has the names of the 11 men who died while building it.

How many men died while they where building the Golden Gate Bridge?

11 men died evan thought they had a net it failed.

How many men died building the Brooklyn Bridge?

27 people died while building the Brooklyn Bridge.

One interesting fact about the Golden Gate Bridge?

11 workers died while building the bridge and 19 workers survived thanks to a safety net.

What is different about the Golden Gate Bridge and the verrazano bridge?

The Golden Gate is the narrow channel connecting the San Francisco Bay to the Pacific Ocean. It was named the Golden Gate by John C Frèmont on 1 July, 1846. The golden Gate bridge, however, is the suspension bridge connecting San Francisco and Marin County that crosses over the Golden Gate.

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What makes the Golden Gate Bridge safe to drive?

The Golden Gate Bridge is pretty safe. It survived the Loma Prieta Earthquake while the Bay Bridge collapsed. It has not collapsed yet unlike the Tacoma Narrows Bridge which collapsed because of wind.

How many people died building the ambassador bridge?

How many people died building the London bridge: zero

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Challenges faced while making golden gate bridge?

they had problems with the wind control

How many people died Building The chesapeake bay bridge?

52 people died from influzena while building it

Which of these structures appears while the theme song Everywhere You Look plays on Full House?

Golden Gate Bridge