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Millions of tons of trash, human waste, animal carcasses, and human bodies. The traditions is to inter the dead in the holy river, which is now little more than an open sewer.

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Q: How may pounds of garbage are in the Ganges river?
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What languages are spoken along the Ganges River?

The main languages spoken along the Ganges River in India are Hindi, Bengali, and Bhojpuri. In some regions, other languages such as Marathi, Kannauji, and Urdu may also be spoken.

What do Hindus believe when you die in the Ganges river?

ganges is very holy river according to Hindu Mythology. Thus one may assume that it will be very good death & whoever dies will directly go to heaven. Not sure though.

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In bangladesh every one says like the major rivers are Padma, meghna, jamuna.

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The Indus which is now in Pakistan which was formerly in India. If we want the name to apply to a current Indian river, River Ganges or River Brahmaputra may be the options.

How many people have died from the ganges?

It is difficult to provide an exact number of people who have died in the Ganges, as deaths may occur due to a variety of reasons such as accidents, drowning, pollution-related illnesses, and more. The Ganges is a large river system and unfortunately, deaths do occur, but exact figures may not be available.

How the disposal of garbage etc affect living organism in river?

they can't survive in water and may die...

Does Ganges have any waterfalls?

Where the river starts. I think but you may need to look into that a bit more. but i think that it is some sort of waterfall but just not a big one.

The is to ancient Indian civilization what the Nile River is to Ancient Egyptian civilization.?

The Indus River is to ancient Indian civilization what the Nile River is to ancient Egyptian civilization.

If the Ganges river is sacred why is it polluted?

Religion may be well and good, but people do exist who don't care about it. When those people happen to be the ones with power, religion gets thrown on the backburner.

Is Pail of garbage a mixture?

Cat's may meow but Garbage is a mixture.

Can you suggest solutions for pollution disease and garbage in rivers?

Suggestions of pollution disease garbage in river may depend on the source of the garbage and the resources available to make the river water safe for animals and humans. Learn of the Water Cycle and from that example of the water evaporating from the ocean and going to the clouds to rain on the mountains and ground and to go through the rivers and minerals, you can create your own water cycle to clean the river water for animals and humans. For example, at the beach, you cannot drink the ocean water, but you can dig a hole in the sand and drink the water from it because the water is somewhat filtered, albeit, brackish tasting. If the garbage is a huge problem, you can make a campaign for teaching people to not through garbage in your river. You can make lots of videos of the garbage, make a website to show all the videos and create awareness online and offline to make trashy people be a little more embarrassed to throw trash in your river.

What is the name India's holy river?

There are many sacred rivers in India. Most of them are dedicated to the Gods and Goddesses. The most sacred river in India is the Ganga which is also known as Ganges. It is worshiped as the goddess Ganga in Hinduism. Yamuna, which is the largest tributary river of Ganga is also one of the most sacred rivers. It is worshipped as the goddess Yamuna. Some of the other sacred rivers are Brahmaputra, Krishna and Godavari.