Oh honey, I'm not sure where you got that idea, but homework isn't made from trees. It's usually printed on paper, which may come from trees, but the amount varies depending on the school and the assignment. So, to answer your question, it's a bit like asking how many licks it takes to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop - the world may never know.
yes because we cut down trees to make paper AND we destroy innocent animal's habitats
To make paper
Here are some tips:Keep a large calendar where you write down all your assignments and have them easily visible every dayKeep a homework notebook where you write down all your assignments dailySet alerts on your phone for important assignments
There is nothing in homework that is deadly. ANSWER 2: they're right, technically, homework can't kill you, but if we keep taking down trees to make homework, we're going to kill ourselves, basically, because there are no more trees to make oxygen, and with no oxygen, we can't breath, resulting in the extinction (death) of the human race as we know it.
they cut down trees with there teeth then use the trees to make a dam
It takes five big trees to make a house
Trees cut down are timber trees for hardwood. Bamboo trees is another type of wood that is also used to make hardwood.
they make paper out of it
All over the world, trees are cut down to make paper, cardboard and to make wooden furniture. Look around you and see how much wood is around you, it all comes from trees. Usually the trees that they cut down are from forest areas.
Because we use their wood, and their different things to make most of what we have today. although we are trying to stop most of the deforestation, or at least replant the trees. although it takes many, MANY years for it to grow back. Usually they never grow the trees back.
1234567890 trees
Yes,BUTHow many of those trees survive. In many clear cut re plantings very few trees survive.I would be much more impressed if they said we make sure two trees survive for every one cut down.