On average, just over 500,000 tourists visit Kenya every year. this isn't many, as Kenya is an LEDC (Less Economically Developed Country).
Around 1.5 million tourists visit Stonehenge every year.
The number of tourists that visit Fort Sumter each year are 230,000.
Approximately 300 million tourists visit Beijing each year.
Thousands of tourists visit the Burren annually, including geologists and zoologists , and it's no surprise that this many people visit this wonderful and beautiful karst landscape of beautiful nature.
It is hard to know the exact number of people traveling to Bangalore every year. During the festive time of the year, there are a lot of tourists who visit. However, during non festive seasons, the percentage of tourists decreases.
Approximately 40 million tourists visit Provence every year.
2.5 million
A lot
many poaple