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600,000 to 1,000,000,000

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Q: How many tourists travel around the world each year?
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Around 5 million tourists visit Frankfurt each year.

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Montepulciano attracts around 700,000 tourists annually.

How many tourists visit the pyramids each year?

On average, around 14.7 million tourists visit the pyramids each year. However, the numbers can vary annually due to factors like travel trends, political stability, and global events.

How many tourists visit Valletta each year?

Valletta, the capital of Malta, receives approximately 1.6 million tourists each year. The city's rich history, stunning architecture, and vibrant cultural scene attract visitors from around the world.

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It is estimated that around 1.5 million tourists visit Mam Tor each year.

How many tourists visit nice each year?

On average, Nice attracts around 5 million tourists annually.

How many people visit Sardinia each year?

Sardinia attracts around 3-4 million tourists annually, with numbers fluctuating depending on global travel trends and events.

How many tourists come to malham each year?

Malham receives around 250,000-300,000 tourists per year.

How many tourists visit Liverpool each year?

Liverpool attracts around 800,000 to 900,000 tourists annually.

What city in the world has the greatest number of tourists each year?

Paris, France

How many tourists come to Italy each year i India?

over 3.6 million tourists a year! it is the 5th most visited country in the world! over 3.6 million tourists a year! it is the 5th most visited country in the world!

How many tourists visit the roman forum each year?

The Roman Forum receives around 4.5 million tourists annually.