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There have been a number of different London Bridges over the past 2000 years. In 46AD, the Romans built the first bridge across the Thames River; it was a simple wooden construction which was burnt down in 1014. The replacement bridge was destroyed by a storm in 1091, and the next bridge after that was destroyed again by fire in 1136. A new stone bridge was built by Peter of Colechurch between 1176 and 1209. It served as the main bridge for centuries, until increasing traffic congestion made it obvious a new bridge was required. Engineer John Rennie started construction of the next London Bridge in 1825 and finished the bridge in 1831. However, a necessary widening process some 70 years later weakened the bridge's foundations to the point where it began sinking an inch every eight years. In 1968, it was auctioned and sold for $2,460,000 to Robert McCulloch who moved it to Havasu City, Arizona.

The current London Bridge was constructed by contractors John Mowlem from 1967 to 1972, and officially opened by Queen Elizabeth II on 16 March 1973.

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At least four times. The last two were in 1820 and 1973.

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it has fallen 3000 times

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What is the difference between the Old London bridge and the Modern London Bridge?

The first London Bridge was built in Roman Times - nearly 2000 years ago and there have been several bridges since then. The current bridge was erected in 1973 and its predecessor which was built in 1820, was dismantled and reassembled in Lake Havasu City Arizona, as a tourist attraction.

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uh, London is a physical place in London. London Bridge, is in London England. It is 928 ft long and was designed by John Rennin and built between 1824 and 1831.The bridge was many times damaged by fire and was finally removed in 1832 after the opening of a new bridge in 1831. In 1968,. London Bridge was the only bridge over the Thames in London until the construction this is some information about the London bridge, if you need it.

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The present London Bridge opened in 1973 and Queen Elizabeth II was on the British Throne at the time. However, there has been a bridge on the same site since Roman times which has been replaced at various times over the centuries. The previous bridge to the present one was built in 1820 and is now at Lake Havasu City in Arizona.

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The Colosseum, by a very long way. Construction on the Colosseum started in 70-72 A.D. The London Bridge opened in 1973 You may be thinking, "what?", if this date is not even close. I might know why: Either you have your times way mixed up and you are thinking of the Tower Bridge which opened in 1894, which is often mixed up with the London Bridge, or the London Bridge might be older BECAUSE the original bridge on the spot of the current London Bridge was built on the year 50 A.D.

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How long has the London bridge been where it is?

Since Roman times

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The original wooden bridge was built by the Romans in about 50 AD and there were various other wooden bridges until 1176 when the first stone bridge as built. This lasted until 1832 when it was replaced by another stone bridge designed by John Rennie. By 1968, this bridge could no longer cope with modern traffic and the current bridge came into operation in 1971. Rennie's bridge was dismantled and re-assembled as a tourist attraction in Lake Havasu City Arizona.

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London Bridge is the oldest, a bridge has been on or near the present site since Roman times. The actual bridge of course has been replaced a number of times the last in 1973. Others have included two Roman bridges, a Saxon Bridge, a Norman bridge, a medieval bridge and a 19th century bridge before the present one. The current London Bridge is often confused with Tower Bridge by tourists.

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